Tuesday, November 4, 2008

America Makes History As Obama Wins Presidential Election

Searcy, Ark- Hi again fellow bloggers and thank you very much for following me this evening in this monumental race. I have just got back from interviewing Harding University students and am eager to tell you how college students are taking Obama's win.

Now, as to be expected, not everyone is ecstatic or grieving. Instead, here at Harding University there is a mixed reaction. Some students are rejoicing and believe that they are now "empowered". However, other students are grieving and passionately declare that they will "move outta the country".

Below are some pictures I took of Harding students. (Well, exepct for the two Indian men. They are visiting Harding University's campus this weeek.) These are their actual reactions, these were not fabricated in any way shape or form:

These students are quite happy with the results.

These two students have mixed reactions to the news.

These two Harding students are overjoyed that Obama won the election.

Below, these two Harding students were greatly upset at the election's results.

The following two Harding students were greatly shocked by the election's outcome.

These two Indian men were very thankful that Obama won the election.

The following two students were enthused about our future president.

These students were deeply saddened by the results of the 2008 Presidential Election.

These students were celebrating in the Reynolds' parking lot and were thrilled that Obama won.

These students are stunned that Obama has won and are interested to see how the next four years will be.

So, all in all, as you can see... we've recieved quite a varitey of expressions, attitudes, and emotions towards this upcoming era in which Obama is America's president.

Thank ya'll for following me this evening in this new age. Have a good night.

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