Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Focus Slants to White County Tallies

With Obama's victory pretty much sealed, a lot of focus has turned to the White County results. Sarah and I have moved from the Democratic Headquarters, which was slowly fading in action as people left for other places, and walked across the street to the courthouse.  
When we first walked in, the mood was somber and pews were lined with serious faces. Only announcing every 5 boxes of ballots, the waiting process is expected to be long. I will enclose a video that was just taken of the latest results.  Though the quality isn't the best, maybe it will give you an idea of the way things are headed. 

The projected time for all White County results is 1:30 a.m. or later. Candidates are slowly stopping by so stay tuned for interviews with them.

Sarah is interviewing Judge Michael Lincoln right now-- who is running for another term. Her story will be coming up soon. 

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